Sunday, June 30, 2013

Quiz 3 Study Guide

Summer World History – Quiz 3 Study Guide

1) What were the motives of Western European powers in colonizing the Americas?

2) Discuss the roots and development of Renaissance humanism.

3) Both 1348 and 1492 can be seen as pivotal years in the transition to the Modern Era. In what ways are these dates relevant?

4) What was The Great Dying? Why is a student of History more likely to encounter this term in a textbook published in 2009 than one published in 1969?

5) What was the role of capitalism in stimulating the European desire for colonies?

6) Discuss the events and significance of the Haitian Revolution.

7) What does Strayer mean by the “echoes of Atlantic Revolutions”?

8) How did the move from traditional forms of production to the "cash crop" system affect Africans under colonial rule?

9) The US Supreme Court’s June 2013 rulings on gay marriage cases reflect the achievement of Enlightenment ideals in a way that Enlightenment-era thinkers themselves probably never foresaw. Discuss.

10) Discuss the long term significance of the Industrial Revolution.

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